Saturday, 9 May 2015

Post-election thanks!

In case anyone missed the excitement of the results in Shipley yesterday, I was re-elected to represent the Shipley ward for the Greens - a seat that we have held since 2000:

I would like to thank every single one of the 3,141 people who voted for the Green Party on Thursday, more than ever before. I am also incredibly grateful to everyone who helped with our campaign here in Shipley - our leafletters, our canvassers and our crowdfunders! Thanks to everyone who put up a poster or who allowed us to plant a poster board in their gardens!

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Thanks to Matt Edwards for revamping our election leaflet and helping with the content, to Alex Newsham for re-booting our website, and to Dale Deacon for being so supportive in so many ways.

As ever, I am particularly grateful to my cllr colleagues Hawarun Hussain and Martin Love for their huge help and support, as well as their comradeship in the political front line!

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Finally, Betts, thanks for your love and support during a month in which I spent far more time outside the house or stuck in my study while you and Laura and Grace kept our family life on track!